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Welcome to the absolutely insane world of Maniac! New to New City? We’ve got some playable highlights prepped to get you started on making as much mayhem as your morally-questionable heart desires.

This post will take you through the six playable characters in Maniac. Each character has a unique perk and special weapons and abilities that will subtly change your playstyle. To earn all the special weapons and abilities, you’ll need to unlock the character and earn enough cash during a play-through to buy it in the unlock menu. We’ve done that part for you - feel free to check out each character’s kits through Ludeo’s Playable Highlights tech:


“It’s a Christmas Miracle!”

Drunk Santa is the first character you’ll have access to in Maniac. After playing a few games and getting enough money, you’ll be able to unlock his basic equipment set from the upgrades menu.

Perk: Crash Resistant - Santa’s done enough driving in mall parking lots to know how to handle a fender-bender. Feel free to drive like you’ve got nine reindeer pulling you.

  • Melee: Bag of Gifts - Drunk Santa’s melee weapon, sure to bring everyone the magic of Christmas directly to their torso

  • Equipment: Christmas Present - Remote detonated presents for all! Hold Q to drop several, and press it again to blow ‘em up

  • Weapon: Shotgun - Drunk Santa’s signature weapon, the shotgun is exactly what you’d expect; just maybe not from Santa

  • Special: Roll - Use your rotund stature to your advantage by rolling out of the way of danger (and pushing other things away)

  • Upgraded Special: Santa’s Super Sled Strike - Put enough cash in Drunk Santa’s bag and you can unlock Santa’s Super Sled Strike - press Q to call in missiles from on high.



Do you think massive amounts of destruction is funny, and are you tired of pretending it’s not? Iggy’s your clown. 

Perk: Reroll - Just got a level-up but not feeling the upgrades? Iggy’s perk lets you reroll so you’ve got a better shot at getting what you want. Massively useful for later in the game when you desperately need a health pack…

  • Melee: Chainsaw - BZZZZZZZ!

  • Weapon: Scorpion - Similar to the SMG, this guy sprays out bullets for overwhelming firepower at short range

  • Equipment: Balloons - Like the mines, the balloons are equipment you leave behind you that will conveniently explode vehicles chasing you

  • Special: Jump - With all the mayhem and destruction happening, it’s easy to forget that Iggy is a trained acrobat with the vertical airtime to prove it

  • Upgraded Weapon: Rocket Launcher - We, uh, may no longer be living in a society… Also, pro tip: careful where you aim that thing! Explosions hurt.


“I love you so much”

If you’re playing with headphones, be prepared to hear some intimate whispers directly in your ears. Broker is a man on a mission to win his family back. How does wreaking havoc across New City help him achieve that goal? Great question - let’s move on.

Perk: Startup Money - Pro-tip, grab the nitro. Thank us later.

  • Weapon: Assault Rifle - A powerful choice for any range  

  • Melee: Briefcase - Nothing is more demoralizing than being hit with a briefcase presumably loaded with cash

  • Equipment: Nitro - Need to get out of a tough spot fast? Press the equipment button to get some immediate air and a surprising amount of distance

  • Special: Super Dash - If you want to make big deals, you have to move fast

  • Upgraded Weapon: Grenade Launcher - BOOM.


“Smash that ‘Like’ button!

… It’s best not to underestimate how dangerous something is by its size.

Perk: Charismatic - You can’t become president without making friends and influencing people - run past other pedestrians and watch as they take up arms to defend you!

  • Equipment: Auto Turret - Set and forget! Auto-Turrets will keep your pursuers a little busy while you make a clean getawayMelee: Katana - While some study the baseball bat, you studied the blade…

  • Weapon: Harpoon - GET OVER HERE! This one makes for some interesting situations - use the Harpoon to bring things closer to you, very quickly

  • Special: Crawl - Being so low to the ground has its advantages - try crawling under cars to avoid damage

  • Upgraded Weapon: Guided Rocket - Just hold down the fire button and enjoy how many explosions follow.


“Who’s the boss?”

Yuri considers himself to be the best there ever was. When it comes to destroying New City in inventive ways… well he just might be. 

Perk: Fire Resistance - This will come in handy as you will likely be throwing molotov cocktails every couple seconds.

  • Weapon: AK-47 - Yuri’s signature weapon is a slightly modified version of the Assault Rifle

  • Equipment: Molotov - Tip: When driving, throw these up slightly ahead of your vehicle to ensure they come crashing down slightly behind you.

  • Melee: Taser - *BZZZZZT*

  • Special: Jetpack - Yuri’s cosmonaut training enables him to clear some pretty sizable distances by holding down the spacebar. Try it out when you’re being chased.

  • Advanced Weapon: Gravity Gun - hold down the fire button to affect all pedestrians, vehicles, debris, etc.



Listen - there’s nothing wrong with living in your parents’ basement while you’re saving up money. There’s nothing wrong with working a job that involves putting on a big mascot suit. There’s nothing wrong with really, really loving hot-dogs. It’s just that, when you do all three together…

Perk: Bullet Resistance - That mascot suit suits both form and function. Wearing it will make you slightly more resistant to incoming ballistics.

  • Weapon: Double Barrel Shotgun - Hot-Dog Guy’s double barrel shotgun boasts a ridiculously wide spread. Use it for situations where you’re not worrying about accuracy

  • Equipment: Hot-Dog - Calling this a Hot-Dog might be a misnomer. Sure, it looks like a Hot-Dog. It might even smell light a Hot-Dog. But the Nitroglycerin-based explosive is more like a “EXTREMELY HOT-FOR-A-FRACTION-OF-A-SECOND-dog” Or “dynamite,” if you prefer.

  • Melee: Sword of Virginity - This one’s pretty self-explanitory.

  • Special: Body Slam - Hot-Dog Guy’s special is incredibly useful if you need a little bit of personal space very quickly.

  • Advanced Weapon: Flame Thrower - Hey, some people like things a little on the crispy side.